Gulf United for Lasting Fisheries (G.U.L.F.), is the sustainable seafood program of Audubon Nature Institute in New Orleans, LA. Founded in 2012, GULF operates as a local partner to assist the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry to maintain and improve sustainability across the region. GULF works to support a healthy and sustainable ecosystem, fishing economy, and way of life through our work on fishery improvement projects (FIPs), Gulf United for Lasting Fisheries Responsible Fisheries Management certification, and the GULF Restaurant Partnership Program. GULF also provides sustainability guidance to fisheries as needed, through both formal projects and ad-hoc consultation.
Through FIPs, GULF works with the supply chain to advance sustainable seafood in the Gulf of Mexico. We work to identify sustainability challenges, develop a path to address them, and implement on the ground improvements. Where challenges involve policy or data needs, we work with industry, management agencies, researchers, and other partners to facilitate necessary improvements. Participation in FIPs allows our local industry to maintain access to important markets as they work to advance sustainability. To support our participants, we help communicate FIP progress to retailers, foodservice, restaurants, and the environmental community.
Recognizing the value of a sustainability standard tailored to the unique ecosystem and fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico, GULF partnered with regional stakeholders and fisheries experts to develop the GULF Responsible Fisheries Management (GULF RFM) certification. Based on FAO standards, GULF RFM achieved Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) recognition in 2018. GULF RFM is a voluntary certification that requires third-party assessment to demonstrate sound and precautionary management, good data, and healthy target stocks and ecosystem.
GULF Restaurant Partnership Program
GULF recognizes the importance of restaurants as a crucial component of the sustainable seafood landscape. Through our Restaurant Partnership Program, GULF educates chefs on Gulf of Mexico fisheries to support local, sustainable sourcing. GULF provides training for front-of-house staff, enabling them to provide better information to patrons. To further promote sustainable seafood, restaurant partners work with GULF to host consumer-focused sustainable seafood events.